
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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[922] Ross, Derek G.. "Ars Dictaminis Perverted: The Personal Solicitation E-Mail as a Genre." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 25-41.
[RN46] Ross, Derek G.. "Ars Dictaminis Perverted: The Personal Solicitation E-mail as a Genre." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 25-41.
[923] Rowland, Robert C.. "On Generic Categorization." Communication Theory 1 (1991): 128-144.
[924] Royse, Pam, Joon Lee, Baasanjav Undrahbuyan, Mark Hopson, and Mia Consalvo. "Women and Games: Technologies of the Gendered Self." New Media & Society 9 (2007): 555-576.
[1285] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Environmental Policy Making and the Report Genre." Technical Communication Quarterly 6, no. 1 (1997): 77-99.
[RN177] Rude, Carolyn D.. "The Report for Decision Making: Genre and Inquiry." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 9 (1995): 170-205.
[RN71] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Environmental Policy Making and the Report Genre." Technical Communication Quarterly 6 (1997): 77-90.
[RN119] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Toward an Expanded Concept of Rhetorical Delivery: The Uses of Reports in Public Policy Debates." Technical Communication Quarterly 13 (2004): 271-288.
[RN217] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Mapping the Research Questions in Technical Communication." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 23 (2009): 174-215.
[1414] Rulyova, Natalia, and Garin Dowd. Genre Trajectories: Identifying, Mapping, Projecting. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
[925] Rusch, Gebhard. "Cognition, Media Use, Genres: Socio-Psychological Aspects of Media and Genres; TV and TV-Genres in the Federal Republic of Germany." Poetics 16 (1987): 431-469.
[926] Russell, David R.. "Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis." Written Communication 14 (1997): 504-554.
[927] Russell, David R.. "Writing and Genre in Higher Education and Workplaces: A Review of Studies That Use Cultural-Historical Activity Theory." Mind, Culture, and Activity 4 (1997): 224-237.
[1154] Russell, David, Mary Lea, Jan Parker, Brian Street, and Tiane Donahue. "Exploring Notions of Genre in ‘Academic Literacies’ and ‘Writing Across the Curriculum’: Approaches Across Countries and Contexts." In Writing Across the Curriculum: A Critical Sourcebook, 448-472. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011.
[1155] Russell, David. "Writing in Multiple Contexts: Vygotskian CHAT Meets the Phenomenology of Genre." In Traditions of Writing Research, 353-364., 2010.
[RN239] Russell, David R.. "Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis." Written Communication 14 (1997): 504-554.
[RN213] Russell, David R.. "Rethinking the Articulation Between Business and Technical Communication and Writing in the Disciplines: Useful Avenues for Teaching and Research." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 248-277.
[928] Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Introduction: On the Why, What and How of Generic Taxonomy." Poetics 10 (1981): 109-26.
[929] Ryan, Terry, Richard H. G. Field, and Lorne Olfman. "The Evolution of U.S. State Government Home Pages from 1997 to 2002." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 59 (2003): 403-430.
[1412] Sadler, Glenn Edward. Teaching Children's Literature. Modern Language Association: New York, 1992.
[931] Saiber, Arielle. "The Polyvalent Discourse of Electronic Music." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1613-1625.
[RN56] Saidy, Christina, Mark Hannah, and Tom Sura. "Meeting Students Where They Are: Advancing a Theory and Practice of Archives in the Classroom." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 41 (2011): 173-191.
[RN157] Samson, C.. ".., Is Different From ,.. : A Corpus-Based Study of Evaluative Adjectives in Economics Discourse." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 49 (2006): 236-245.
[932] Santini, Marina. "Characterizing Genres of Web Pages: Genre Hybridism and Individualization." In 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 71-81., 2007.
[RN54] Sapienza, Filipp. "Does Being Technical Matter? XML, Single Source, and Technical Communication." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 32 (2002): 155-170.
